Facebook is Not About Fan Count!

Give People A Reason To Connect With You 
It’s not enough just to say “Follow us on Twitter!” or “Like our Facebook page!”, you have to give a compelling reason.
Let people know what you have to offer them in exchange for giving you a like or a follow. I don’t mean giving them discounts or coupons, I mean having some kind of value proposition.
For example, try saying something like “Follow us on Twitter for daily marketing tips!” or“Like us on Facebook, we promise to make you laugh at least once a day.”
Doesn’t that sound a lot more appealing? Of course you can change it up depending on your industry, but this type of approach is a lot more personable than a generic request to like or follow you.

Many people think that Facebook is about how many FANS I have on my page. Wrong. You have 5,000 fans but you have no real content-engaging information or funnies why would one fan come back? Content is King! Here is an example I like to use. I have a friend who is a plumber. His page was full of plumbing jobs. Yeah, MMM, the lady who stuffed a jar of pickles down her toilet (she was elderly) and the picture showed the pickles in the drain and on the floor- It just wasn't engaging! Was not a picture I would share on my wall. What did I do for him? I started posting pictures say of LemonAide Koolaide with instructions to place in the dishwasher empty and cycle it through to give the dishwasher a good cleaning. Then from there it was more pictures and tips. Guess what happened? People were commenting and posting. Then I had the plumber find local Real Estate people pages. Go on there pages and say "Hello ABC Realty! J.D. Plumbing is your newest fan! Come like my page! When an area business likes your page- Their post go on your wall and vise versa so more exposure! Now , one day the realtor is going to need a plumber when he/she is about to close on a house and the house has plumbing problems. It's our hope that when she thinks "Plumber?" she remembers the guy on her wall!
After you gain business pages on your page take time to go to their wall and "like" a post. If you can "share" a post of their's on your wall. WHY? One you are promoting them and the law of reciporcating says they will promote you now as one of their friends. Liking and sharing is a particpating friendship. It also again gains you exposure every time they share your stuff to their wall, its your hope one of their friends shares it to their wall- Like getting the flu bug-Germs get passed around and now your post have gone viral!

I'm Michelle Masterson My facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Marketingpilot and one of my websites for marketing tools http://tinyurl.com/mqg6s2c

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