Monday, April 21, 2014

What The Ideal Length Of Everything Online?

What The Ideal Length Of Everything Online?

Have You wondered if anyone is paying attention to how long our post should be on the social media platforms? I mean are we talking to much or not enough?

I'm going to give you some guidance and the fun will be in monitoring your own results. You will win with the guidance provided here.

Going to the source of twitter, the recommendation is keeping your tweets to 100 characters. Twitter says that tweets under 100 characters get a 17% higher engagement rate.

Facebook the ideal length is 40-80 characters is the recommended ideal. This seems very short but less is more, right? Questions on a facebook post get more engagement. That is actually a psychological truth. You have asked a question holding your viewer hostage. The truth is no matter how silly the question is people want to feel they have the answer! Questions engage your viewer at first sight. They may want to leave but they at the least have to see what others have said.

Google Plus has a new lay out. Keep it to 60 Characters and to one line. The trick here is to write a first compelling sentence that will be visible in the post. Personally I find 40-60 characters tough but using questions seems to help me shorten my titles.

Blogging post are differently entirely as far as engagement. Once you get the viewers attention the time frame that he/she will remain on your post has been researched to being about 7 minutes! It reminds me what my social study teacher told our class before we were to write a term paper. Here it is in his words:

"Tell 'em what your going to tell 'em"


"Tell 'em"


"Tell 'em what you just told 'em"

To me that was a great way of staying focused and keeping it short and direct. That sage advise seems to hold true on our social media platforms.

A 7 min read comes in around 1,600 words.

The above chart covers a few ideas I didn't mention. We all know people have short attention span when it comes to consuming information. There is a psychology to that as well. Its compared to "lifting weights". A person's mind will take so much in and tire of the consumption and walk away. As presenters of information with a guideline of limitation on the information, it sure makes us clarify what it is we want to say.

One final word, don't worry if you go over. In fact if your going to tweet you can tweet a long version and tweet a short version and watch your results. 

To Your Success!

Michelle Masterson

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Podcasting Tool

You are probally excited about getting into the world of podcasting and you will need some tools for the trade but no reason to go broke. Here is a free download resource to record and edit your files.! 

Audacity® is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.

Audacity is available for Windows®, Mac®, GNU/Linux® and other operating systems. Check our feature list, wiki, and forum for more information.

You may be researching ideas about your podcasting or you may still be in the group of "I want to podcast ~ I'm not sure I can do this" group but let me remind you of the past.

When video marketing came out the big shots were telling you what expensive equipment you needed and the software programs that were needed to do video marketing right. You'll see alot of that going on with podcasting. What you really need to know is just do it and play back your podcast if its noisey then yes upgrade your microphone. Don't procrastinate just because you feel like you'er not a professional podcaster, get a mentor! 

I'll continue to find you tips and tools for your online venture! Be sure to comment if you have tips or tools to share!

To Your Continued Success!

Michelle Masterson

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I don't want to be redundant and the information is all here at this link for what you need to know about podcasting.

Click Below:

Podcast School

Remember its still CONTENT.  You're NOT trying to reach everybody. Hopefully you have developed a following from all your previous blogging.

How do you develop a following? Get on numerous social platforms and the secret? Be Social!!! It's alway about the "Liking, Commenting and Sharing"  Don't forget to ASK people to come and hear your podcast and ask them to share it. Send it out to your email list and again ask that they give you feedback and share. Be sure  in your podcast, after you deliver your message, to tell people where they can go to get MORE information! Hopefully you have a website rich of videos, fun test or quizz, the thought is to give people a reason to want to come back to your website ~ Hopefully they bookmark it!

I know many of you are perfectionsit or intimidate to do this but you know what? THROW caution to the wind and just do it. Some of you remember some years back I hosted a training call. OMG! I was so nervous my vioce quivered. After a few weeks of hosting the calls no one knew how terrifying that was for me! Many times my mind wonders off in mid sentence because I have so much I want to get out and I am easily distracted. Guess what? I'm just honest about it! I'll tell you I lost my train of thought and I am switching tracks!
I'm not a name dropper and more then likely when I do a podcast I am not going to be concerned with the physcology of trying to have big names on my podcast. I think many of you will see I write like I speak.

Get busy and get to the podcast school and see you out on the airways!

Michelle Masterson

Friday, April 18, 2014

What Up In The Corner?

Aren't we all looking for something better?  To me, thats what makes life so great! Each day is an opportunity to do something better. If we fall short it's okay! Just have to let go of the mistakes or let go of what didn't work but we have to keep TRYING!

I am excited that many of you are following me from so many places you've met me on the internet and you are at least curious as to what I do, if I am as good as you or that you value my leadership! Personally I value YOU because we do learn from one another! I have yet to meet somone I couldn't learn something from!

I'll soon be having an anniversary of my "Big Move". I lived in Northern Indiana for 29 years of my adult life. Before that my childhood was spent in Ohio. Aug 18th 2013 I boarded the plane to Orlando Florida. The Allied moving truck had a two day head start on me with my now downsized earthly possessions. It was still a week after my arrival before the truck showed up to reunite me with my "stuff". That was an awesome week without everything! The "new" neighbors were very suspicious of me. After all I was coming and going and yet they seen nothing in the way of a person "moving in". I learned later they thought maybe I was a squatter ~ It happens in Orlando.

Since I have gotten to Orlando I have adjusted to many "new" experiences. What I really want to get at here is I put my "Marketing" on hold, I still dabbled. I want you all to know I am BACK! I needed the rest. I could not have made the move had it not been for my online opportunity and its the best feeling in the world when you don't have to job hunt! You already know you have the job as soon as you unpack!

I'm currently grabbing up and researching and talking with others about "PODCASTING" If your upline hasnt told you: PODCASTING is where it is at! Think about it. Wouldn't you rather have this blog post in an audible format so you could walk around the house? Or hear it in the car? Have your clients listen on their time frame?

People want their information FAST and Faster! So as Marketers or People working from home wanting to get the exposure you have to investigate PODCASTING!

Be sure to sign up on the left and enter your email so You don't miss my upcoming Post on PODCASTING! Who knows as I get better you might find my future post via Video or PODCAST Format.

From the heart I thank you today for being  Here     X !!!!!!!!!

Michelle Masterson
Orlando Florida

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Many Faces of Michelle Masterson

<----- I'm not generic, This is me below:

Below you can see I am, a grandma, sister, middle aged woman with a husband loving and living my life in Orlando Florida!

1st time Granny! 2/21/2013
BROTHER! My twin and Baby Brother.
When I lived in Indiana
Enjoying my new life in Florida! Ocean Breeze to my back!

At my "work station" @ Home!
My Husband and I 

There you go I am willing to put myself out there for you to demo that I am a real person and I like you, I came to the internet to be apart of something bigger then myself! I am here to help YOU! Please follow and comment and let me know what topics interest you so I can continue to post revelant topics! 

To Your Success!

Series Four: Prospecting For Free on Facebook

Prospecting For Free On Facebook

This is the last video in this series that I am posting today! I am sure my google followers are all watching the other series right now and just waiting for me to finish up for this one! Its true all these videos talk about the "Stiforp" back office thats because I am a distributor for Stiforp marketing tools. Don't be close minded and think great she wants to sell me "marketing tools" ~ NOPE!  I pay the yearly fees for having all this information and I am just paying it forward so you can grab some free information and get going with your chosen  opportunity!

My blog serves a bigger purpose. Its a place I can put all my information and new information and direct people to it, to surf! This seems to be the hardest thing to do and thats to get your followers to: comment and get in the conversation! If only you can see by commenting and getting a discussion going people do get prospects as well ~ case in point? You go to a party and people are talking and you hear somone has dry skin telling her friend about it and OMG! You have skin lotion that is phenomanal and you know you have to get over there and tell her about it. You do and she tells you her dry skin was from her trip to some exotic place and you mention you would LOVE to go on a trip! Guess what? She has a traveling opportunity and can SAVE you money! What a small snap shot that can happen at a party. Well dang it lets party here and get the conversation going! Somone might hear us and have something to share too!

Stepping off the soap box and away you go to your next movie!

I have some other tips and tricks when it comes to facebook I may share in another post but I think I am going to call it a day and Holla     CCCOOOOOFFFFFFFFEEEEEE Time!

To Your Success!

Michelle Masterson

Series Three: Prospecting For Free On YOUTUBE

SERIES THREE: Prospecting For Free On YOUTUBE

I have been working hard at getting these post here on my blog for YOU! Funny thing about "blogger" its owned by google so everytime I post it goes out to my google followers! Either they will love getting all these updates or wonder what I am up to now! Maybe just maybe they need these gold nuggets! My mission is bigger then what others think anyhow.

 It is my mission to help you get moving in your business! Lets face it if you have made it here to this blog its because you KNOW making money online is not for the faint at heart! It took me many years to evolve and find the knowledge I needed to be able to give up my home in Indiana to follow my heart to move to Orlando Florida! I hope you find that the "learning curve" is right here in our corner where you joined me today on the internet. That you'll come back often and above all COMMENT! I am a real person and I am a people person and I NEED your comments! ;)

Enjoy or at least extract some nuggets of information in the following video. No worries I am not here to recruit you into my stiforp opportunity ~ just share the information!

The next video will be on Prospecting on Facebook..................

Thanks for stopping by today! Stay Blessed, Travel Safe and Enjoy your journey!

Michelle Masterson

Series Two: Prospecting For Free Using LinkedIn

Series Two: #Prospecting for #Free Using Linkedin

Please fill out the email box over to the right to be sure you do not miss how to get all the free propsects on several different social media platforms! I will be posting the full series today for you to watch at your leisure!
I truly help these videos are helpful and you sure can use the contact form or my email address to contact me if you have any questions! Please feel free to share this series with your team!

These videos are coming from my opportunity of 2 years ~ Stiforp. Stiforp are marketing tools to help in any opportunity. I have been with them for 2 years. I am not promoting Stiforp here I just want YOU to get the advanatge for free how to prospect for free!!!!!

I sure am enjoying bringing you some guidance to get going with your chosen opportunity! If for any reason you are looking for an additional income source I would be happy to talk with you!

Michelle Masterson

Series One Prospecting For Free On Google

Prospecting for FREE?


Sign up to my newsletter so you don't miss out on all I will be sharing on prospecting for free! In fact most of what I do share is "free" or lite version programs.

I'm going to help those of you, who are working at home, in whatever opportunity, to prospect for free!

I am a distributor for marketing tools with the company called "STIFORP"  (STYE  FOR P) These training videos will help you in ANY business. It's up to you to grab paper and pen and take notes! If you want to skip directly "How to Use Google to Prospect for Free"  start the video at 5:48

God love ya, if you made it through the video, you get it and find an urgency to impliment what you learned today! That's my mission is to pay it forward and help YOU make the additional income you seek by mentoring you to success!

Stay blessed!

 Michelle Masterson

Michelle's Personal Development Post :)

Laughing @ Your Dilemma By Michelle Masterson

 Over the next week I would love for you to keep the above image in your head. That's a red stop button. When it comes to decorating, or furnishing my home or buying art work I tend to like to keep things simple. Less is more many times. When faced with dealing with personal issues I think we all could use a slap up the side of the head with the above button. I hope you'll watch Bob in the video below.

Take one day at a time. Stay in that day, Don't worry about tomorrows outcome. Make right decisions.
Associate with the right people. You hang out with 5 people who are poor and complaining you'll be the 6th one in that group. You may have to make new friends! Believe in you and your decisions, after all if you don't why would anyone else? Confindence comes from education. Life isn't about "finding yourself" ~ It's about CREATING YOURSELF.  Look for the good things in your life through the eyes of gratitude! LAUGH more!

If you can't laugh, I have been known for calling network marketers up and laughing at them! If you need a call your welcome to go to  My main website click on the "Contact" tab and leave me your number and a best time to call. Just remember I am on Eastern time and I work from 8am-4pm Mon-Friday.

It is my hope you enjoyed this and that you will come back to "our corner" and comment and we can all participate! Sharing is caring!

Be Blessed and to Your Success!

Michelle Masterson

Can Your Fundrasing Do This?

NON-PROFIT AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS, CLUBS, SPORT TEAMS, SCHOOLS, BANDS, CHURCHES, YOUTH GROUPS, ANIMAL RESCUES, POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS, COMMUNITIES, SCOUTS, CAUSE AWARENESS, CLASS TRIPS, MISSIONS...You now can take advanatge of this program, ICE KEYTAGS which has just been recognized by InfusionSoft as Best in Class Company fundraiser! Just scroll on the flyer to learn more and I would appreciate your "Share"!

Most Asked For Press Release

 The most effective way to do it , is to do it.- Amelia Earhart


My Insight About Marketing 

The MLM Profession has people believing it’s all about “The List” and building it with new contacts. That you have to share flashy presentations and hype people up to sign up and you have time later to make friends with your new recruit. Make friends first, then recruiting your new friend becomes effortless because you have established value based on the exchange of friendship.

You need to be interested not interesting. You will never run out of prospects if you invest in the emotions and time of others. Learn what it is that others want and need. Take the time! Its better to have a few friends who value you and follow you then to have the majority ignoring your links.

Test this out by your own experience. How many times has someone sent you a link and you decide to send back a link in response? No one wins with this self-centered strategy.

I know relationship marketing works. In everyday life we are used to going back to the same supermarket, the same garage and bank, with the same bank all the time. This happens because we have grown to accept an unspoken relationship. 

Promoting others, listening to their needs and learning about others on a personal level reaps it’s own rewards. Give it a try! Be interested in others! This has served me well because it has taught me valuable information as well as tools of the trade that has grown my knowledge base and opened other opportunities based on new friendships.

I will not charge for my services ~ From a servants heart and the reward of helping others is more gratifying then any monetizing gain. To Your Success! I'm taxing out! Be blessed! 
  Michelle  Masterson, Orlando Florida


                                                                          Michelle Masterson Orlando Florida

#Workingfromhome #Onlineopportunity #MLM You know what I am talking about! Through various marketing efforts of mine you have "landed" in this corner of the internet! I am thrilled you are here!

I know a few things about you. I have alot to learn and I hope you will "comment" and let me learn more about you! What I do know, you came online to earn money or learn "how to" make money online. Some of you have made some money, some have not and some are still determined to "learn" to make money online and are going to be tenacious about doing it! 

What I want you to know about me:

  • Through interaction you'll learn you can trust me 
  • You will find value
  • Content 
  • Leadership 
  Feel free to check out these links by clicking on them: 

  My Linkedin Profile , IBOTOOLBOX Business Profile
 My Main Website
 All About Me   

This blog, or "Working Person Corner 's"  mission is to get real discussion started and tailor the information here for YOU! 

This blog is not intended for spam. Do not post your links in the comments. 

What we want to do here is to realize that opportunities are not scams for the most part. Do you know why you see people saying this or that is a scam? People naturally want to "BLAME" others or reasons for  why they have FAILED. Its not the opportunity to blame, THEY have failed by not learning the "How to's".

If you are frustrated or just know there is more to know then you have come to the right place! 

There's plenty of people charging for these services but I really dont think thats fair. I love paying it forward for free. Do you agree some of the best singers and athletes have never been discovered? I believe that, because of Great Britain Has Got Talent's ~ Susan Boyle! She would have never been discovered had it not been for that show. My point is this, do not discard or undervalue what I have to share for you because I am not on your A list of mentors/authors.

Michelle Masterson