Friday, April 18, 2014

What Up In The Corner?

Aren't we all looking for something better?  To me, thats what makes life so great! Each day is an opportunity to do something better. If we fall short it's okay! Just have to let go of the mistakes or let go of what didn't work but we have to keep TRYING!

I am excited that many of you are following me from so many places you've met me on the internet and you are at least curious as to what I do, if I am as good as you or that you value my leadership! Personally I value YOU because we do learn from one another! I have yet to meet somone I couldn't learn something from!

I'll soon be having an anniversary of my "Big Move". I lived in Northern Indiana for 29 years of my adult life. Before that my childhood was spent in Ohio. Aug 18th 2013 I boarded the plane to Orlando Florida. The Allied moving truck had a two day head start on me with my now downsized earthly possessions. It was still a week after my arrival before the truck showed up to reunite me with my "stuff". That was an awesome week without everything! The "new" neighbors were very suspicious of me. After all I was coming and going and yet they seen nothing in the way of a person "moving in". I learned later they thought maybe I was a squatter ~ It happens in Orlando.

Since I have gotten to Orlando I have adjusted to many "new" experiences. What I really want to get at here is I put my "Marketing" on hold, I still dabbled. I want you all to know I am BACK! I needed the rest. I could not have made the move had it not been for my online opportunity and its the best feeling in the world when you don't have to job hunt! You already know you have the job as soon as you unpack!

I'm currently grabbing up and researching and talking with others about "PODCASTING" If your upline hasnt told you: PODCASTING is where it is at! Think about it. Wouldn't you rather have this blog post in an audible format so you could walk around the house? Or hear it in the car? Have your clients listen on their time frame?

People want their information FAST and Faster! So as Marketers or People working from home wanting to get the exposure you have to investigate PODCASTING!

Be sure to sign up on the left and enter your email so You don't miss my upcoming Post on PODCASTING! Who knows as I get better you might find my future post via Video or PODCAST Format.

From the heart I thank you today for being  Here     X !!!!!!!!!

Michelle Masterson
Orlando Florida

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